Professional Guidelines for Spiritual Practice & Development

Core Ethics & Integrity

- Maintain and uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and professional competency

- Take full accountability for all thoughts and actions

- Treat everyone with respect, courtesy, and without discrimination

- Practice self-awareness regarding mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing

- Do not work when unwell or compromised

Consent & Privacy

- Never conduct readings or services without explicit consent

- Maintain strict confidentiality of all client information

- Respect personal boundaries and individual beliefs

- Be mindful of and respect local cultural practices and beliefs

Professional Boundaries

- Clearly differentiate between Psychic and Mediumship readings

- Never claim false connections or abilities

- Do not guarantee specific outcomes, communications, or healing results

- Maintain transparency about the nature and limitations of services

- Refer clients to licensed professionals for medical, mental health, legal, or financial advice

- Explicitly state that services are not a substitute for professional medical or mental health care

Client Empowerment

Free Will

- Educate clients about the Natural Law of Free Will

- Emphasize personal responsibility in decision-making

- Clarify that clients maintain ultimate control over their choices and actions regarding information received

Future Insights

- Present insights as potential futures rather than fixed predictions

- Exercise responsibility when discussing future possibilities

- Maintain awareness of the impact messages may have on clients

Professional Development

- Continuously seek ethical training and development opportunities

- Expand knowledge and abilities through proper channels

- Stay informed of applicable laws and regulations

- Avoid making false, misleading, or unsubstantiated claims

Medical Disclaimer

All recipients must be advised to:

- Consult physicians or qualified health providers for medical conditions

- Seek licensed professionals for specific advice in their respective fields

- Understand that spiritual services do not replace professional medical or mental health treatment

Legal Compliance

- Adhere to all applicable local, state, and federal laws

- Maintain appropriate professional boundaries

- Practice within scope of spiritual services