❈ Spiritual Development ❈

Foundation Building

In this enriching introductory class on spiritual development, we will comprehensively cover several key topics essential for personal growth and deepening self-awareness.

Under the guidance of a highly skilled spiritual practitioner, you will be welcomed into a sacred environment crafted to make you feel completely safe, supported, and empowered during this personal journey.

*This class is a pre-requisite for all of our development classes and our upcoming Mediumship Mentoring program.

Please check out our Intuitive/Psychic Development page for our special 7-week course that includes our Spiritual Development class at no extra cost to you!

9 Key topics covered in this 5 hour interactive class:

  • Spiritual Awareness

  • Defining the Higher Self

  • Identifying Current Values & Conditionings

  • Being an Empath

  • What is your Intuition? What are Psychic Abilities?

  • Introduction to Meditation

  • Grounding & Centering Techniques

  • Identifying & Setting Energetic Boundaries

  • Ethics & Responsibilities

Spiritual Awareness

Designed to help you connect with your innermost thoughts and feelings, fostering a greater understanding of your true self and connection to Spirit. This foundational aspect will open pathways to greater insight and self-acceptance.

Defining the Higher-Self

This portion of the class will provide thoughtful guidance to aid you in discovering and fully embracing your authentic and true essence, moving beyond the conditioned self to a more genuine existence.

Identifying Current Values & Conditionings

A thoughtful discussion that will assist you in recognizing the various influences that shape your beliefs and perceptions. Understanding these factors is essential for personal growth and for cultivating a life aligned with your true values.

Being an Empath

Being an empath is a natural gift that allows individuals to deeply sense the emotions and energies of those around them. By spiritually attuning yourself to this gift of sensitivity, you can enhance your daily life through heightened awareness and compassion. By learning how to be consciously aware of your surroundings, you have the ability to create a nurturing environment that encourages healing, not only for yourself but also for those in your community. Embracing this gift can transform everyday interactions into meaningful exchanges, ultimately leading to personal growth and empowerment.

What is your Intuition? What are Psychic Abilities?

This discussion provides insights into the nature of your intuition. Where does it originate? Do we all possess psychic abilities? Here, you'll begin or continue your journey in recognizing and embracing your inherent gifts and insights, empowering you to trust your intuition and deepen your spiritual practice.

Introduction to Meditation

A powerful practice that can enhance your overall well-being. We will offer practical tips and techniques for integrating An impactful practice designed to elevate your overall well-being. We’ll provide practical tips and techniques to seamlessly incorporate meditation into your everyday routine.

Grounding and Centering Techniques

Finding balance and focus in our busy lives is as simple as grounding and centering our energy. Think of grounding as your own personal connection to the Earth's energy. It's like a gentle reminder that helps us let go of stress and worry. It's a feeling of being secure and present, helping us face daily challenges with a calm, cool head.

We will also discuss centering. Centering is all about lining up our thoughts and feelings, creating a 'you are here' signpost inside us that boosts our self-awareness and intuition.

When we put these two practices together? Magic. They lay down a solid base for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development. They give us the power to step into our journey with a loving, open heart.

Setting Energetic Boundaries

A fundamental practice in maintaining energy and balance within your spiritual work. Boundaries act as a protective shield, ensuring that you can engage with your spiritual practice without sacrificing your well-being.

When you establish clear limits, you create a peaceful space for yourself. This not only empowers you to nurture your own spirit but also enhances your ability to serve and support others on their journeys. It allows for a sustainable path, free from the draining effects of over-commitment or external pressures.

Ethics and Responsibilities

Understanding the importance of ethics and responsibilities in your spiritual journey is crucial for upholding integrity and authenticity. As you progress along your path, it’s vital to understand that every choice you make can impact not just your personal growth but also the well-being of those in your surroundings.

Embracing ethical practices cultivates a supportive atmosphere that acknowledges the interconnectedness of everyone. This dedication to respect and compassion guarantees that your spiritual pursuits are both empowering for you and respectful of the varied experiences and beliefs of others.

Join us as we explore these essential topics, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and your spiritual path.

5 hour Interactive Class*

Cost: $75

In-person & Online classes are available

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