❈ Intuition + Psychic Development ❈

Spiritual Development & Intuitive/Psychic Abilities Development Special Combination Class

Discover, explore, and nurture your natural psychic abilities.

The "sixth sense" is frequently regarded as a form of mystical intuition or extrasensory perception; however, it can also be understood as a natural capacity to perceive beyond the conventional five senses. By nurturing this latent natural ability, you can improve your self-awareness and empathy, leading to a more profound connection with your Higher Self.

Under the guidance of a highly skilled spiritual practitioner, you will be welcomed into a sacred environment crafted to make you feel completely safe, supported, and empowered during this personal journey.

Through spiritually-guided teachings, lively interactive discussions, and individual and group practical exercises focused on enhancing your intuitive abilities, you will set forth on a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Course Topics

Intuition & Psychic Abilities Development

By nurturing and developing your intuition and natural psychic gifts, you can strengthen your connection to your higher self and the spiritual realm, thereby enhancing your capacity to recognize truth and make empowered choices.

Exploring the psychic realm can be an exciting journey into the depths of your own intuition and awareness. At the heart of this exploration are the six Clair senses: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience, and Clairgustance. These senses offer a window into a world beyond the ordinary, where perception isn't limited to what we typically see, hear, or feel.

Color & Aura Reading

Learn how to connect and interpret the energy that surrounds you. By learning to recognize and comprehend the colors emanating from your aura and those of others, you can gain valuable insights into emotions, health, and spiritual healing.

Each color embodies distinct aspects of one’s existence; for example, warm tones like red and orange may signify passion and creativity, while cooler shades such as blue and green commonly represent tranquility and healing. This enhanced awareness not only fosters greater self-understanding but also cultivates deeper relationships with others, empowering you on your journey toward holistic well-being and spiritual growth.

Psychometry Reading (Sorry, not available for online students. A substitution will be announced at a later date)

Consciously engaging with the energy of objects is a meaningful practice that enables you to uncover the history, emotions, and experiences tied to others. By holding a treasured item—such as a piece of jewelry, a photograph, or a keepsake—you can align yourself with its vibrational frequency.

This process requires quieting the mind and focus on the information that you receive as you connect with the object. Often, you may encounter memories or emotions that illustrate the significance of the item in the owner's life. Gaining this deeper understanding of the individual provides a valuable opportunity to offer validation, insightful perspectives, and healing that they may not even realize they need at this moment.

Intuitive Journaling

Tap into the power of words to reveal authentic truths and attain spiritual clarity. Intuitive journaling encourages you to express your thoughts freely, providing a platform for your Higher Self to emerge.

This reflective practice fosters self-awareness, allowing for a deeper exploration of your emotions, beliefs, and desires. By engaging in this passive form of creative expression, you gain valuable insights into your unique spiritual journey, empowering you to face challenges and welcome growth with purpose and a deeper understanding of yourself, lighting the way for personal transformation and healing.

Self-Affirmation Building

Cultivate a positive self-image and reinforce your spiritual beliefs through the empowering practice of self-affirmation. By regularly taking the time to affirm your strengths, values, and intentions, you significantly strengthen your connection to Spirit and enhance your overall well-being in a nurturing and self-healing way. Embracing this practice can lead to increased self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your unique journey.

Guided Meditation

We will assist you in releasing your thoughts which will help to greatly alleviate stress and focus on cultivating a sanctuary for both your mind and spirit. As you engage with the calming exercise, you will enhance your connection with your Higher Self. This will help you to embrace your sacred space where personal reflection and spiritual growth thrive, equipping you to navigate your journey with increased ease and understanding.

Introduction to Energy Work (Energy Healing)

Energy healing is a sacred practice available to everyone, a divine right that does not require a master to initiate us or authorize our abilities. Each of us carries this natural gift within, a vibrant source of potential that remains dormant until we are ready to embrace it. By connecting with our own energy, we can tap into amazing healing modalities that resonate with our personal journeys. This empowering practice allows us to uncover our spiritual power and fosters a deeper understanding of ourselves, enabling us to shine brightly as we navigate life’s challenges and should we choose to, we are able to share these treasures, allowing us to assist others on their healing journeys, creating a ripple effect of love, compassion, and empowerment in our communities.

Each of these spiritual tools acts as a gateway to your Higher Self, helping you navigate your path of self-discovery and healing. Throughout our seven weeks together, we aim to empower you by offering a sacred space and the support necessary to enhance your connection with Spirit and your intuition.

True growth comes from active participation and hands-on experience.

Each class includes practical lessons designed to immerse students in the material while fostering a supportive learning environment. Expect to engage fully, as participation is key to unlocking your spiritual potential. To reinforce your learning, weekly homework assignments will challenge you to apply what you've learned in class, ensuring your journey continues beyond our time together.


Class duration: 2 - 3 hours

$400* or 4 payments of $100

  • In-person class schedule: Saturdays

  • Online class schedule: TBA

    *Course cost for all students who had previously taken our Spiritual Development class at our Chinatown location: $350

    **Online course will be on Zoom, a basic free account will be needed.

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Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or need any further information.