
All Mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are Mediums

Any person who chooses to develop their natural psychic abilities must have the right balance of selfless dedication to serve others, develop strong discernment skills, a high level of integrity, charitable heart, patience, compassion, and confidence in order to become a Medium.

This does not happen overnight but throughout one’s lifetime. I started to actively participate and focus on my spiritual development a little over 20 years ago.

The term or label some use for the specific type of Spirit communication that I practice is called Evidential Mediumship (Mental Mediumship depending on your geographic location).

My job as an Evidential Medium is to connect you with Spirit. I am of service to you and your Loved Ones during our time together. Providing you with clear and specific information is something that is an integral part of my practice. 

I will never ask you for information, media, objects, nothing whatsoever in any shape or form prior or during our meeting.  It is my job to communicate without any prior knowledge, prejudice, or judgement.

I give any and all information that I receive by using my Clair senses (see below for a brief explanation) in order to pass on these special messages from your loved ones. 

- Terri De Asis, the Aloha Medium

  • Simply put, as a Medium I connect you with information and messages from those who have passed on to the Spirit World.

    Loved ones who we can no longer see in physical form but who are still with us throughout our lives.  They want to communicate with us.  They want us to know that they are still around us.  They want us to see, hear, know, and feel their signs of LOVE.

  • Clairvoyance: To see. I see visual pictures in my head. Ie. Still pictures or a movie scene playing.

    Claircognizance: To know. A fact or solid piece of information (evidence) without any previous knowledge of this information.

    Clairaudience: To hear. Ever hear a song in your head? That’s what clairaudience is like for me. I’ll hear a song, a word, a saying, a name, humming, a car engine… etc.

    Clairsentience: To feel.

    Physical sensations: Goosebumps, warm & cuddly hugs, a headache…

    Emotional feelings: Love, pride, overwhelm, joy…etc.

    Clairalience: To smell. You smell something? A scent of roses, perfume, laundry detergent, cigarette smoke...Yup, just like using your nose in everyday, except the scent, it’s from Spirit.

    Clairaugustance: To taste. Eating a freshly wrapped Spam Musubi for lunch.

  • Loved ones in spirit who come through can be any person or animal that you have ever had a connection with. At times, even a great-grandparent that you have never met but have an important connection and message for you will come through.

    So, your grandparent? Yes. A beloved pet who passed away when you were 10 years old? Yes. A parent, 4th grade teacher, friend, cousin….? All yes!

    Please note that there will ALWAYS be someone waiting to connect with you from the Spirit world but it may not always be specifically for us. They may want to give bits of information that is relevant to someone who is connected to you like say a sibling or a friend you are planning to see in a few weeks.

  • The short answer would be yes.

    Will your request be granted? That I honestly cannot say and I will never promise you that who you expect to come through will.

    Spirit works in ways that are a mystery to us all. I like to tell people to please not have any expectations. Come to our reading knowing that whoever comes through and whatever messages we receive are received for a reason.

    The reason may not be immediately clear but it may become prevalent down the road. It is always best to be receptive and optimistic towards any and all information that is communicated.

  • If this ever happens, please know that you have the right to refuse their communication efforts. If you are not comfortable with the person who comes through, let me know and I will kindly break our communication and say goodbye with love.

It is your personal responsibility to read our Disclaimer & Privacy Policy before making any decisions to schedule a session or reading.